Возрастные особенности развития физических качеств у детей дошкольного возраста


A.V. Chebotarev, Ph.D.


Age features of development of physical quaities in preschool children
A.V. Chebotarev, Ph.D. Lipetsk state pedagogical university, Lipetsk
Key words: preschool age, physical qualities, sports period.
Physical education serves the basics of all-round development of child in the first years of life. Child learns the world through motor activity, his mental processes, will and independence are being developed. The more various movements child knows the wider the capacities for development of feeling, perception and other mental processes are, the fuller he develops.
The study of the state of the quoted problem in theory and practice promoted the contradiction between rather expanded knowledge of age dynamics of development of physical qualities in schoolchildren and insufficient studies of the quoted aspect in preschool children.
The purpose of the present research was to allocate age features of development of physical qualities in preschool children.
Sensitive periods of development of physical qualities were determined by selection of the most widely used tests in the practice of preschool physical education.
The study proved that physical qualities developed differently both in the preschool and school ages. The view of the given consequence facilitates, firstly, more effective training of physical qualities and, secondly, improvement of the contents of the educative (training) work with preschool children for experts in the field of preschool physical education and sport.
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