Formation of motor readiness for teaching preschool children to swim


D.A. Raevsky, associate professor, Ph.D.


Formation of motor readiness for teaching preschool children to swim
D.A. Raevsky, associate professor, Ph.D. A.V. Raevsky. State university of management, Moscow
Key words: motor activity, teaching to swim, motor skills, elements of swimming technique.
According to the results of pedagogical observation and questionnaire of teachers of preschool institutions, mastering sports technique by children of the given age is accompanied by a lot of mistakes due to insufficient knowledge on the act of specific breathing in water, imperfection of water-stationary skills and defects in coordination.
The existing problem of low quality of education of preschool children to swim can be solved by pre developing specific motor skills, facilitating more effective mastering of moves in water on the classes of physical education held in a gym and a pool.
The purpose of the study was to make the technique of teaching to swim more effective by forming the basics of motor activity on the classes of physical education.
Motor readiness of preschool children for mastering motor skills is formed with the focus on land: fixing flat hand position; coordination at imitation of swimming moves; development of breathing function. In the water: mastering specific breathing act; increase of timed inspiratory capacity; mastering water-stationary skills; ability to move with hands and foreaerms; skill to change body position aswim; mastering of coordination of hand and leg moves and breathing.
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