Ways of decrease of sickness rate of preschool children by means of physical culture


N.G. Mikhaylov, associate professor, Ph.D.


Ways of decrease of sickness rate of preschool children by means of physical culture
N.G. Mikhaylov, associate professor, Ph.D. M.A. Volkov, postgraduate student. Pedagogical institute of physical culture, Moscow
Key words: child's health, motor activity, innovative technologies of physical education, Agashin's training simulator.
The purpose of the research was to search for the ways of solution of the problem of recreation of preschool children.
The system of increase of motor activity of senior preschool children is subjected using innovative technologies, promoting the increase of its volume in preschool children.
The exercise sets with Agashin's training simulator were included in day regimen as an innovative
constituent of increase of motor activity of senior preschool children.
The introduced program with increased volume of motor activity resulted in: decrease of sickness rate in the experimental group; increase of the level of development of physical qualities: 6 children of the senior experimental group had the level increased from the average to high, decrease of the number of children with low and average levels of physical development.
Procceding from the year long pedagogical experiment, motor activity is higher in children who were ill less frequent and, on the contrary, frequently ill children move less and their indices of physical development are lower.
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