Estimation of effectiveness of university classes of physical education by level of effect on CNS of female students


M.A. Ovsyannikova, candidate


Estimation of effectiveness of university classes of physical education by level of effect on central nervous system of female students
M.A. Ovsyannikova, candidate. E.E. Bindusov, professor, Ph.D. Moscow state academy of physical culture, Malakhovka, the Moscow region
Key words: neuroenergymapping, omnipresent electrical potential level, physical load.
The purpose of the present research was to improve the university process of physical education based on its individualization by the parameters of activity of central nervous system (CNS).
Physical load female students get on the classes of physical culture is inadequate for girls never been engaged in sport. The large number of jumps and run on the classes must have negatively effected on the ones who trained. Undoubtedly, two classes of physical culture a week is oviously not enough. The students are recommended to go to sports sections to increase their physical activity.
The fact that the half of female students has the inadequate dynamics of the omnipresebt electrical potential level proves the necessity of individual selection of types and intensity of physical exercises with constant on-line monitoring of student's funcitonal state using the method of neuroenergymapping, one of the modern, objective and mobile methods for allocation of the impact of physical exercises on CNS.
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