Individual features of communicative processes in sport


N.V. Moskvina, associate professor, Ph.D.


Individual features of communicative processes in sport
N.V. Moskvina, associate professor, Ph.D. Russian state university of physical culture, sport, youth and tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow
Key words: functional asymmetry, brain, communicative functions, individual differences.
In modern science where differential psychology and neuropsychology face each other the new direction of neuropsychological approach to the problem of individual differences is being successfully developed. Nowadays the problem of verbal communications in sports activity takes one of essential places in sports psychology.
Individual-psychological features of the right-handed with different profiles of lateral organization are already studied to a certain extent along with the correlation of variants of lateral profiles and a number of mental process. Herewith, whereas the technique of dichotic test is widely used for studies of functional asymmetries, the possible relations of verbal functions with lateral profiles is not studied by now.
The purpose of the papers was to study individual features of verbal functions in healthy children with various lateral profiles to solve the problems of correlation of psychophysiological parameters with human communicative process.
Whilst making the dichotic test the index in the "hand cross" test was shown to correlate with higher "extraversion" test and right ear coefficient in the quoted test. The testees with various indices in the Luria "hand cross" test were shown to have authentic differences in several scales of the used methods while diagnosing communicative processes, testifying to individual features of communicative functions associated with hemispheric asymmetries. The research results can be used in training athletes on view of their individual features.
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