Propaganda of physical culture and sport in formation of critical attitude of teenagers to certain subcultures
Propaganda of physical culture and sport in formation of critical attitude of teenagers to certain subcultures
L.B. Shorokhova, associate professor, Ph.D. Chaikovsky state institute of physical culture, Chaikovsky
Key words: propaganda of physical culture and sport, teenagers, subculture, formation of criterial attitude.
The problem of scattering og certain subcultures in our country results in the rise in crime among Russian youth which is also caused by specifics of these youth subcultures in Russia. This fact provokes the necessity of searching for the way out of the set situation. One of which is assumed to be directed to introduction of teenagers into physical culture and sports occupations. Proceeding from the Soviet and foreign experience, the methods of physical culture and sport are extremely effective in prevention work on health saving and strengthening, struggle with drug and alcohol abuse, smoking and delinquencies, especially among youth. Physical activity is a priority direction in formation and strengthening of health, the method of self expression, self-esteem and diversion from bad behavior and harmful habits.
The purpose of the research was to form the critical attitude of teenagers to certain subcultures by means of propaganda of physical culture and sport. The explanatory work resulted in achievement of the set purpose of the research: after the repeated questionnaire 50 schoolchildren had a negative attitude to arising subcultures in our society and only 4 out of 27 are still among them. Parents and teachers should know on the innovations in the youth environment and be more attentive to their pupils. In case of allocating in teenagers' behavior of some features of their belonging to a certain group educate them.
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