

V.A. Lyapin, M.D.
E.V. Kovalenko, research assistant. Siberian state university of physical culture, Omsk

Key words: students, food hygiene, diet, actual consumption.

Introduction. Full-value nutrition is one of the key factors for peoples' health formation. Disorders in its structure and quality render a negative impact on fitness, mental and exercise performance and body immunological status [4].

Studentship is a special social population group, especially influenced by changing environmental conditions. Economic troubles, deteriorating ecological situation, collapse of the main mental and ethical aspects of education and increased educational load associated with innovations of special education programs could not help affecting young students’ health. The combination of several deviations simultaneously is a specific feature of the state of health of modern students [1, 2].

Due to eating disorders various digestive diseases, named “diseases of the young”, as well as hypertension, neuroses etc. are being developed in many students while studying [3, 5].

Hypothesis of research. We assume that nutrition of athletes and students not going in for sports is irrational and fails to correspond to actual reference nutrient, vitamin and mineral intake.

The purpose of the research was hygienic evaluation of students' actual nutrition and allocation of discrepancy between the actual nutrient, vitamin and mineral intake and the calculated intake norms of students-athletes and students not involved in sports.

Research tasks:

1. To analyze actual nutrition of students-athletes and the ones not involved in sport.

2. To compare received results with calculated consumption rates

3. To from risk groups of students of SibSUPC based on the made researches to take preventive measures.

The research methods included analysis of methodological literature, filling in the tables of "Daily energy consumption" and "Menu layout", sociological method, statistical processing using Microsoft Office package.

Research organization: The research was made based on SibSUPC. In the course of the research students filled in the tables of "Daily energy consumption" and "Menu layout". The status of actual nutrition was studied using the questionnaire method by menu layouts, tables of ingredients [6, 7]. The findings were compared with the calculated standards of physiological nutrient and energy requirements for various student groups [2].

Research results: The results of the hygienic analysis of three essential nutrients (proteins, fat, carbohydrates) are adduced in Table 1.

As follows from the comparative analysis of actual intake, diets of students involved in sport are more balanced regarding essential nutrients (proteins, fat, carbohydrates) compared to the group of students not involved in sport. However, total proteins (40,0%), fats (78,42%), carbohydrates (46,42%) in diets in the group of students involved in sport corresponded to physiological standards. In the group of students not involved in sport the part of indicated indices was essentially lower (24,54% proteins, 40,91% fats, 8,92% carbohydrates).

As shown in Table 1, the total of proteins in students-athletes’ diets is below physiological norm in 46,36%, above physiological norm — in 13,63%.

Actual protein intake deficiency was observed in 56,00% of students not involved in sport and below the physiological norm in 18,46% of respondents.

Milk and dairy products, eggs, meat, fish, liver and some other by-products of the grade I are the common sources of biologically valuable proteins. However, its intake by students is significantly lower than the recommended values. Over 50% of the total of protein in their diet falls on vegetable proteins, only 83—85% of it is digested as opposed to animal proteins, their availability is 97%. Therefore, in spite of sufficient protein inflow, it has a low biological value.

The analysis of fat content in diet promoted the following results: fat deficiency was registered in 6,32%, and above physiological norm – in 12,26% of students involved in sport.

Persons with fat of 59,09% above physiological norm in the diet predominated in the group of students not involved in sport. Fat intake deficiency was not registered in the indicated group (Table 1).

Insufficient fat inflow may be the reason of central nervous system disorders, compromised immunity, pathological changes in kidneys, organs of vision, compromised liver function or reduced cortical excitability.

Carbohydrate consumption level in students involved in sport (18,22%) below physiological norm and in 38,36% cases exceeds the recommended value.

As proved by the analysis of carbohydrate consumption in the group of students not involved in sport, the consumption level corresponding to the physiological norm was registered only in 8,92% of the respondents. Most of the respondents have carbohydrates exceeding 59,09% in their diet.

The analysis of the vitamin content in students’ diet has revealed deficiency of vitamins А, В1, С both in students-athletes and the ones not involved in sport (Table 2).

The greatest deficiency is marked in vitamins А, В1, С, that must be associated with the low level of consumption of household cereal products and fresh vegetables and fruits, especially in the winter-spring season.

Fluctuations of dietary mineral composition of the studied contingent with mainly calcium, phosphorus and iron deficiency are essential in bone tissue generation, ionic equilibrium control and other metabolic processes.

Thus, the analysis of students' diets has revealed the discrepancy of its ingredients and physiological nutrient and energy requirements, affecting the state of nutritional status and negatively influencing the indices of health and exercises performance.

Hygienic rationalization of students’ nutrition is required along with extension of the line of natural products, increase of the amount of vegetables, fruits, dairy products, fish and meat dishes and diet.

The diets of students-athletes are more rational and well-balanced, close to consumption rates, but they require increase of the vitamin and mineral counts.

Nutrition of students not involved in sport is distinguished by imbalance and irrationality, essential nutrient, vitamin and mineral deficiency and needs qualitative and quantitative correction.


1. The diet of students of SibSUPC is imbalanced and irrational, provoking digestive dispragia.

2. According to the analysis of actual nutrition of students of the quoted university, nutrition is to be corrected by the following parameters: essential nutrients (proteins, fat, carbohydrates), correspondence of the diet to daily energy consumption, sufficient vitamin and mineral consumption.

3. The studies will result in allocation of risk groups with students of SibSUPC for further prevention measures.


  1. Bagnetova, E.A. Hygiene of physical education and sport: lecture course; study guide for university students of the spec. 050720 – Phys. cult. / E.A. Bagnetova. – Rostov-on-Don: Fenix, 2009. – 251 P. (In Russian)
  2. Buslovskaya, L.K. Deadaptation in university first-year students / L.K. Buslovskaya, Yu.P. Ryzhkova // Proceedings of the Internat. sympos. "Adaptation physiology and quality of life: problems of traditional and innovative medicine». – Moscow: RUPF, 2008. – P. 71–73. (In Russian)
  3. Kotysheva, E.N. Balanced rational diet. Estimation of student's daily ration: guidelines on conducting of practical classes / E.N. Kotysheva. – Magnitogorsk: MaSu, 2004. – 28 P. (In Russian)
  4. Kuchma, V.R. The basics of rational diet and hygienic assessment of nutritional status of students: monograph / V.R. Kuchma, E.G. Blinova, G.A. Ogleznev. – Omsk: Publ. h-se of OmSMA, 2007. – 174 P. (In Russian)
  5. New physiological requirements in energy and nutrients for various population groups of the Russian Federation: MR adopted by the Federal Supervision agency for customer protection and human welfare 18.12.2008. (In Russian)

Authors’ contacts:

Lyapin Vitaly Alexeevich

E-mail: v.a.liapin@mail.ru

Kovalenko Ekaterina Vyacheslavovna

E-mail: blackcat191@mail.ru