Elective competitive table tennis classes for university physical education service


Dr.Hab., Professor G.V. Barchukova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.N. Mizin2
1Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism, Moscow
2Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University), Moscow

Objective of the study was to survey perceived benefits of elective competitive table tennis classes for academic physical education service.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled for the questionnaire survey in September-October 2021 the Moscow Aviation Institute students (n=94) to profile their attitudes to the elective competitive table tennis classes in the academic physical education service.
Results and conclusion. The questionnaire survey of the table tennis sample found benefits of the personal progress needs sensitive elective table tennis classes for the individual physical education agendas, with special benefits of the competitive training formats. Based on the study data and analysis, we offer practical recommendations on the competitive table tennis training classes as complementary to the regular academic physical education curriculum – that were appreciated by the student community for the emotional and motivational aspects of the physical education service format.

Keywords: table tennis, competitive model, students, elective physical education discipline.


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