Psychological and didactic deficiencies test and correction service for future physical education teachers
PhD, Associate Professor A.P. Shmakova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.O. Petrishchev1
PhD, Associate Professor N.V. Sidorova1
1Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
Objective of the study was to test benefits of a psychological and didactic deficiencies correcting basket method for application in the physical education teacher training system.
Methods and structure of the study. We analyzed competencies in the valid curricular and surveyed them in the Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University Physical Education And Sport Department students to identify their psychological and didactic deficiencies in two competences and test benefits of the psychological and didactic deficiencies correction service to the Experimental Group.
Results and conclusion. The survey found psychological and didactic deficiencies in the following two competences: (1) safe living environment creating and management skills including the emergency situation control ones; and (2) psychological and teaching technologies application skills in the professional service to students with special progress needs. We used the psychological and didactic deficiencies correcting basket method geared to rate the progress needs by mimicking the typical didactic situations found in real teaching practice. The psychological and didactic deficiencies correcting basket method was tested beneficial as verified by progress of the Experimental Group versus Control Group in the above competences, with the special benefits for the practical skills that may hardly by mastered in practical school physical education service without health risks for the students.
Keywords: psychological and didactic deficiencies, physical education teacher training, correction service.
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