Universal recreational gymnastics algorithm for sports veterans
T.A. Danilenko
Ural State University of Physical Culture, Chelyabinsk
Objective of the study was to experimentally tests benefits of the new universal recreational gymnastics algorithm for sports veterans.
Methods and structure of the study. We sampled Experimental and Reference Groups (EG, RG, n=20 each) of the 45-55 year-old female sports veterans at the Chelyabinsk Sports Veterans Association. The Experimental Group was trained using the universal recreational gymnastics algorithm and the Control Group was self-trained in a traditional format. The Experimental Group trainings was designed to include the traditional warm-up, core and final stages as dictated by the age-sensitive universal recreational gymnastics algorithm.
Results and conclusion. The new universal recreational gymnastics algorithm for sports veterans was experimentally tested beneficial as verified by significant progress of the Experimental Group versus Control Group in the attention control, coordination and the key physical qualities critical for the sports veterans health standards.
Keywords: age-specific changes, sports veterans, disease prevention, attention, equilibrium, coordination, universal recreational gymnastics algorithm, Shulte method.
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