Combined training model for beginner school volleyball groups


PhD M.V. Andrianov1
G.Y. Gutnikov1
1State Institute of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna

Objective of the study was to analyze benefits of a new combined training model for the beginner school volleyball groups.
Methods and structure of the study. The core training part of the combined training model offered combined trianing service to attain the following three goals: (1) develop movement coordination and (2) other special physical qualities; and (3) facilitate progress in every technical element. The combined training model gives a special priority to the movement coordination training dominated by acrobatic exercises. We split the sample into Experimental and Reference Groups of 10 people each pre-tested virtually equal on the physical and technical fitness test scales.
Results and conclusion. The combined training model for the beginner school volleyball groups was found beneficial as verified by the Experimental Group progress in the techniques and movement controls facilitated by special acrobatic exercises in the game basics mastering elements.

Keywords: younger schoolchildren, physical education, methodology, volleyball, school volleyball group.


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