Relationship of laboratory and field test indices in adaptive swimming


PhD, Professor PhD, Professor V.A. Vishnevsky1
PhD, Associate Professor I.E. Yudenko1
PhD, Associate Professor A.A. Peshkov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to identify the relationship between laboratory test indicators and swimming results in people with disabilities.
Methods and structure of research. Subject to the study were swimmers with hearing impairment and musculoskeletal disorders at the age of 15-19 years engaged in adaptive sports.
Research results and conclusions. The highest correlations with the results in the “16x50 m” test were shown in such parameters of efficiency of the unit of the musculoskeletal girth of the lower and upper extremities in the test “to muscular failure” as the load phase increase angle in the arm exercise (r = 0.929, p <0.01), the load phase increase angle related to the power of failure in the arm exercise (r = 0.988, p <0.01), the power of failure with respect to the musculoskeletal girth of the shoulder and arms as a whole (r = - 0.930, p <0.01), the pulse cost in relation to the musculoskeletal girth of the legs and arms related to the power of failure (r = 0.893, p <0.01). Among respiratory and metabolic indices, the swimming results to the greatest extent correlate with the oxygen consumption at maximal load (r = - 0.796, p <0.01), carbon dioxide emission at the time of muscular failure (r = - 0.708, p <0.01), oxygen pulse at maximal load (r = - 0.794, p <0.01) and on the 2nd minute of recovery (r = - 0.823, p <0.01). Noteworthy are the very high correlation coefficients between the resting pulse (r = 0.793, p <0.01), and especially in the orthostatic test (r = 0.823, p <0.01), and distance swimming time.
Thus, some promising parameters of integrated control have been identified to make the adaptive swimming training process more effective.

Keywords: adaptive swimming; integrated control, relationship of laboratory and field tests.


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