Relationship of strength and muscular endurance of grip in young male mas wrestlers and non-sporting males
PhD A.A. Zakharov1
Y.Yu. Zakharova1
A.V. Burnashev1
1North-Eastern Federal University named after M.K. Ammosov, Yakutsk
Objective of the study was to identify the relationships between the arm strength and muscular endurance when performing a cylindrical handgrip in young males engaged in mas-wrestling and in non-sporting males.
Methods and structure of the study. The study involved the non-sporting young males (Group 1, n=30) and those engaged in mas-wrestling (Group 2, n=24). Wrist dynamometry was used to assess the strength and degree of fatigue of the arm muscles. The muscular endurance and degree of recovery of the arm muscles were determined in the test "Hang on a special spinning bar".
Results of the study and conclusions. The correlation analysis of test results did not reveal any significant relationships between arm strength and muscular endurance. Therefore, a high level of arm muscle development does not imply a high level of development of muscular endurance when performing the cylindrical handgrip. We also found that the degree of the local muscle fatigue under repeated maximal muscular load does not depend on the level of development of strength and the intensity of sports trainings. At the same time, it was found that sports activities, in particular mas-wrestling, contribute to faster recovery of the arm muscles after the completion of the prolonged work "to failure".
Keywords: mas-wrestling, strength, muscular endurance, wrist dynamometry, fatigue, recovery.
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