Preschoolers’ physical fitness tests in "BGTOshka" GTO project


Dr.Hab., Professor N.I. Sinyavsky1
PhD, Professor S.M. Obukhov2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Fursov1
PhD, Associate Professor V.Yu. Losev2
1Surgut State Pedagogical University, Surgut
2Surgut State University, Surgut

Objective of the study was to determine the physical fitness profiles of preschoolers based on the realization of the physical education and sports project "BGTOshka" and process the data obtained using a specially developed online service BGTO.
Methods and structure of the study. The study was carried out within the framework of introduction of the BGTO online service in the educational process of the municipal testing site of the Department of Education of Surgut - Municipal Budgetary Pre-school Educational Institution No. 39 "Belosnezhka", the essence of which was to identify the physical fitness profiles of the children on the basis of the "BGTOshka" project standards. A total of 80 children were examined (mean age - 5.6-6 years).
Results and conclusions. The findings showed that the physical fitness of the 5.5-6 year-old boys and girls were characterized by the low levels of development of the strength, speed, and speed-strength abilities. We believe that, to a large extent, this was due to the fact that this age period corresponds to the beginning of the sensitive period of development of the speed-strength qualities and the initial stage of formation of speed qualities. The study found that both boys and girls had a period of relative stability in the development of endurance, which should be taken into account when organizing preschoolers' physical activity.

Keywords: GTO Complex, "BGTOshka" project, online service.


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