Correction of women's psychoemotional status in groups of remedial gymnastics



O.V. Maksimuk, postgraduate
S.V. Vlasova, associate professor, Ph.D.
O.V. Limarenko, associate professor, Ph.D.
N.N. Kolesnikova, associate professor, Ph.D. Polessk state university, Pinsk, Belarus
Key words: healthy way of life, remedial gymnastics, psychoemotional status, dance movement therapy.

Introduction. Nowadays the term "fitness" is closely correlated with the term of "healthy way of life", used more frequently to define healthy way of life generally in all diversity than to determine certain modern programs of physical training, rehabilitation measures and places where they are to be carried out: from optimal regime and rational nutrition to complex program of recreational measures, including both physical trainings and massage, sauna, cosmetic procedures etc.

As assumed by the majority of experts, the key aspect in healthy way of life is active health creation, inclusive of all its components [7].

Yu.P. Lisitsyn notes that healthy way of life is not just everything that is good for people’s health. In this case we are speaking on all components of different types of activity aimed at health protection and promotion. The author notices that the concept of healthy way of life does not add up to single forms of medicosocial activity: elimination of bad habits, following standards and rules, health education, visiting medical institutions for treatment or for advice, keeping to the work-rest regime, nutrition and many others, though all of them show different aspects of healthy way of life. “Healthy way of life … is, first of all, actions, activity of an individual, group of people and society, who use material and spiritual conditions and capacities for health, human harmonious physical and spiritual development” [6].

In the opinion of the majority of experts, the core of healthy way of life is an active health creation, including all its components. Thus, the concept of healthy way of life is much wider than the lack of bad habits, work-rest regime, nutrition system, various hardening and developing exercises. It includes the self-concept system, relations with other people and life in general, i.e. awareness of objective reality, life goals and values. Consequently, health can be created by extending the representation of health and diseases and harmonious use of the whole range of factors affecting different health components (physical, mental, social, spiritual), learning fitness, conditioning methods and technologies, forming the guideline on healthy way of life [4, 8]

National well-being is determined mainly by women’s health and its preservation is of national importance. Herewith, the studies of many authors indicate to the stable tendency of health deterioration among elderly women [1]. Only regular and effective use of the means of remedial gymnastics can stop this dynamics in ordinary life among the given contingent [1, 2].

Many authors note in the works [3, 5, 7] the necessity of organizing fitness trainings in view of individual peculiarities of the engaged ones. But the analysis of the activity of sports clubs has shown that most of them work according to the standard technique of fitness classes only in view of women’s motivation. Experts involved in organization and conducting of fitness classes with the female contingent indicate to the lacking methodological development of the following key components of fitness training: definition of loads; choice of choreographic complicacy; selection of the canned music tempo etc. The problem of protection and development of women’s individual health is an urgent task. It is being solved using different methods and approaches with a special place given to physical activity for health protection and promotion.

This problem is especially relevant today. The latter is associated with the specifics of the modern life and the trend of the majority of people to hypokinesia, which, in its turn, leads to the decrease of body’s functionalities, overweight, which when combined with other unfavorable factors is essential in the growth of disease incidence.

The purpose of the study was to examine the psychoemotional status of women from groups of remedial gymnastics and correct this state by means of exercises of dance movement therapy.

Regular training sessions in health groups using the dance therapeutic methodology were assumed to improve the indices of motor, mental and emotional personality spheres of the engaged women.

Materials and methods. The educational experiment was held in Polesski State University in 2010-2011 with 105 women involved in health groups as the subjects of the experiment. The situational and long-term mental states of women were diagnosed using the Lüscher color test (adapted by L. Sobchik). The concept of the author’s methodology serves its theoretical basis and consists in the fact that different colors symbolize certain human needs and liking or disliking of a particular color shows the degree of relevance and satisfaction of this need. The level of satisfaction of the current needs determines human mental state.

Results and discussion. The results were processed using the re-testing, as it is considered to be more spontaneous and significant. This methodology is good due to its simplicity, brevity of the process and independence of results relative to age, sex and professional skills.

Women attending health group (aged 25-45), who wished to be engaged in dance movement therapy, were included in the experimental group (EG).

The control group (CG) was made of women attending a health group, but not involved in dance therapeutic exercises.

When developing the content of dance therapeutic classes we were guided by the following provisions:

1. Goal orientation of classes to develop different methods of relaxation and release of suppressed emotions when executing dance movement exercises.

2. Formation of positive self-perception and sense of personal freedom, increased self-esteem and self-confidence.

3. Fitness-preventive orientation of classes, development of artistic, emotional and motor behavior.

The educational experiment revealed that the examined subjects had their normal motor activity represented as: low - 31% below the average - 30%, average - 23 %, high 16%.

Those with low motor activity are characterized by the high level of personal and situational anxiety, a wide range of individual differences (from low to high). The average level of various forms of aggression (physical, indirect, verbal) is distinguished by the prevailing autogenic direction of its manifestations and the higher level of hostility (suspicion, resentment) and feeling of guilt.

People with the level of normal motor activity below the average are characterized by low personal and situational anxiety in the range of individual differences from low to high, below the average value of different forms of aggression, below the average level of hostility and feeling of guilt.

People with the average level of normal motor activity are distinguished by the average personal and situational anxiety in the range of individual differences from low to high. The average value of different forms of aggression (physical, indirect, verbal) presupposes a slight predominance of heteroorientation of its manifestation and the average level of hostility (suspicion, resentment) and feeling of guilt.

Those with high normal motor activity have a higher level of personal and situational anxiety with a range of individual differences from average to high and the degree of various forms of aggression (physical, indirect, verbal) with a predominance of heteroorientation of its psycho- morphofunctional and psychophysiological features of different functional types. The comparative analysis of the indices of psychoemotional state in the CG and in the EG at the beginning and at the end of the study was presented in Table.

Table. The comparative analysis of indices of psychoemotional state in the control and experimental groups, %

Standard of mental well-being (color selection is close to the color sequence 34251607)

Normal psychoemotional state (basic colors on the first five places)

State of anxiety (one of the basic colors is on the last three places)

State of anxiety (colors 0,6,7 occupy one of the first three positions, none of the last three positions have basic colors)

Negative attitude to life (colors 0,6,7 are present at the beginning of the color range)

At the beginning of the study





















At the end of the study






















Conclusions. As follows from the findings, the offered classes with the use of exercises of dance movement therapy in the experimental group contributed to levelling the existing conflicts, the status of physiological problems of the ones engaged.

The use of the exercises of dance movement therapy promoted improvement in the psychoemotional state of women in the experimental group by decreasing their anxiety level.

Dance movement therapy is undoubtedly an effective preventive and therapeutic method when conducting classes in fitness groups.

The results of the questionnaire of the engaged ones confirm the high emotionality of classes by the designed methodology. The respondents think that it is thanks to the dance orientation of classes and background music.

The questionnaire revealed that the subjects liked classes (98%) and felt the desire to come again (52,2%), joy (33,3%), fatigue (15,%) after classes.

Hence, the subjected methodology of classes of remedial gymnastics rendered a positive effect on the indices of physical, psychological and social statuses. The classes provoked an increase of the motivation to exercises among women, formation of stable need to lead healthy way of life.


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