Professiogram of professional activities of border control authorities to underlie their applied professional physical training



Dr.Hab., Associate Professor I.E. Konovalov1
Postgraduate student S.A. Eliseev1
PhD, Professor Yu.V. Boltikov1
PhD, Professor O.B. Solomakhin1
1Volga Region State Academy of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Kazan

Objective of the study was to draw up a professiogram of professional activities of border control authorities to determine the effective content of the applied professional physical training of cadets.
Methods and structure of the study. The following methods were applied for the study purposes: analysis, synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and regulatory documentation, professional profiling, testing, and mathematical statistics. The research was carried out on the basis of the Federal State-Owned Institution of Higher Education "Kurgan Border Troops Institute". Sampled for the study were 50 3rd-year cadets and 50 cadets from the Experimental and Control Groups, 25 people each. Both groups were trained under normal conditions according to the traditional physical training curriculum, but in the Experimental Group the applied professional physical training model was implemented as a separate unit.
Results and conclusions. Based on the compiled professiogram, we developed the content of the applied professional physical training of border control cadets, which was realized within the framework of the Physical Education discipline as a separate unit that included three main groups of training means.
The effectiveness of the proposed content of the applied professional physical training of border control cadets was tested in terms of 6 indicators, the increment of which in the study groups ranged from 0.23 to 58.94 %, with the highest values being registered in the Experimental Group.
The study revealed the most professionally important qualities and abilities of border control authorities, which served as a basis for professional profiling. The structure of the compiled professiogram consisted of three main units characterizing the peculiarities and specificity of the professional activities of border control authorities. The analysis of the findings showed that the Experimental Group cadets had a higher increase in the indicators under study as opposed to the Control Group ones, which testifies to the effectiveness of implementation of the proposed content of the applied professional physical training based on the compiled professiogram.

Keywords: border control cadets, professionally important qualities and abilities, professiogram, applied professional physical training.


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