Biorhythm-based individualization of training of female different distance runners
PhD, Associate Professor S.V. Sevdalev1
Postgraduate student M.S. Kozhedub1
Dr.Hab., Professor E.P. Vrublevskiy1,2
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Mitusova3
1Skorina Gomel State University, Gomel, Republic of Belarus
2University of Zielona Góra, Poland
3State University of Humanities and Social Studies
Objective of the study was to scientifically substantiate the methodology of integral training of rugby players for competitions.
Methods and structure of the study. Based on the system of actions aimed at the training component connections, we developed a technique of integral training of rugby players, which included three directions. The study involved 30 rugby players, who were divided into the Control Group and Experimental Group, 15 people each. The Control Group athletes were trained using the traditional methods, the Experimental Group ones - using the proposed integral training technique.
Study results and conclusions. The integral training of rugby players contributed to the targeted formation of intercomponent connections between the components of their preparedness, provided conditions for increasing the level of development of individual components of preparedness and the integrity of their manifestations in competitive activities.
The results of the educational experiment confirm the effectiveness of the developed technique of integral training of rugby players. During the experiment, the shifts in the overall physical, special and technical fitness rates in the Experimental Group "A" were statistically significantly greater as compared to the Control Group "B" (p<0.05). The competitive performance rates as the most important integral criteria of sports mastery of the rugby players were also significantly higher in the Experimental Group "A" (р<0.05).
The developed technique of integral training of rugby players contributes to the achievement of the highest level of preparedness, minimizes the time needed to reach a qualitatively new, higher level of development of sports skills and ensures a sustainable increase in the effectiveness of competitive activity of rugby players.
Keywords: integral training, game cycles, game moments, competitive activity, training.
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