Comparative Analysis of Morphofunctional Indicators and Motor Abilities Rates in Female Students in Different Years of Study



Dr.Med., Associate Professor M.M. Kolokoltsev1
R.A. Ambartsumyan1
1Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk

Objective of the study was to determine trends of the morphofunctional indicators and motor abilities rates in female students of different years of study to improve the educational process aimed to correct the girls' body weight.
Structure and methods of the study. In 2013 and 2018, we examined a total of 785 1st-year female students of Irkutsk National Research Technical University. For health reasons, the girls were attributed to the 3rd functional group (special health group). In 2018, the female students were found to have deterioration in the functional state of the cardiovascular system and impaired motor abilities; the number of females with overweight and obesity increased as compared to 2013. The female students diagnosed with overweight and obesity were recommended to perform low- and average-intensity exercises of prolonged aerobic nature in the main part of the training session. In case of weight deficit, they were to perform exercises aimed to develop proper strength abilities and anaerobic speed-strength loads.
Conclusion. The findings make it possible to refine a plan of the individually oriented physical education lesson with a focus on normalization of the girls' body weight. 

Keywords: female students, morphological and functional indicators, body mass index, motor qualities, physical education


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