Psychophysiological aspects of stress tolerance in future adaptive physical education teachers



Dr.Hab., Professor K.G. Erdyneyeva1
PhD, Associate Professor R.E. Popova1
PhD, Associate Professor V.K. Hebert1
1Transbaikal State University, Chita

The relevance of the study of psychophysiological aspects of stress tolerance in future adaptive physical education teachers is in the fact that there are many stress factors in their professional activity. Objective of the study was to determine the structural constituents of stress tolerance in future adaptive physical education teachers.
Psychophysiological diagnostics of the respondents (n=60, 18-30 years old) included the study of the dynamics of their functional status by analyzing the autonomic balance indices and neurohumoral regulation level; severity of the adaptive response of the body under the influence of various stressors using the VARIKARD hardware-software complex. The integral diagnostics and correction of job-related stress technique (A.B. Leonova) enabled to determine the causes and negative manifestations of stress. The psychophysiological test results indicate the inclusion of the respondents’ mobilization and compensatory mechanisms providing a high level of regulation and effective adaptation. Among the persistent individual functional status rates are: index of tension of regulatory systems (SI); standard deviation from the average value (SDNN). The analysis of the main profile indices revealed an extremely high level of stress among the respondents on the scales "Subjective assessment of a professional situation" (maximum value of T-points – 89.38), "Personality and behavioral deformations" (maximum value of T-points - 70.76), which testifies to the excessive complexity of the tasks, the need to strictly follow the prescribed instructions, the lack of knowledge and skills. 25% of students were found to have the signs of a burnout syndrome (an empty feeling, disappointment with the chosen profession, etc.), neurotic disorders (groundless fears, state anxiety, etc.).
A multivariate integrative method to assess stress tolerance in future adaptive physical education teachers can be used as a differentiating indicator of formation of stress tolerance in them as professionals. Monitoring of the dynamics of functional status with due regard to the stress exposure symptoms will enable to forecast possible failures in adaptation.

Keywords: teacher, adaptive physical education, personality and behavioral deformations, professional stress tolerance, functional status.


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