Long-term aikido training model with kendo, jodo and iaido elements



N.I. Buchin
Regional public organization “Aikido Aikikai Association of the Sverdlovsk Region”, Yekaterinburg

An integrated program of long-term training of aikidoists was developed and tested using the means and methods of kendo, jodo and iaido. The goal of the program is the formation of the variability of technical and tactical actions and the psycho-emotional stability of young Aikidoists, which will allow them to successfully fulfill the requirements of certification exams for the 1st and 4th dan in the future, as well as become psychologically stable in various stressful situations. The integrated program is designed for children from 6 to 17 years old and is designed for four stages of training.
According to the author, the developed integrated program will increase the effectiveness of technical, tactical and psychological training of qualified aikidoists at the stage of higher sports excellence, in which weapons are actively used. In addition, increased psychological stability, internal coordination, control of coordination of attacking actions, psychological stability in extreme situations. The control of coordination of movements, psychological resistance to external stimuli, psycho-emotional stability during protective actions are being strengthened.

Keywords: integrated program, stages of long-term training, aikido.


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