Special motor skill trainings in junior rhythmic gymnastics
Postgraduate student Peng Tsun
Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The success of the performance of athletes and their longevity in sport is determined in many respects by the level of development of physical qualities, coordination abilities, which allow performing risk elements of high complexity with objects. Special-motor training (SDP) is a specially organized process aimed at ensuring the development and improvement of physical properties necessary for the efficient development and competent execution of equilibria, turns, jumps, acrobatic elements, supports in group programs, exercises with various objects. Much attention is paid to the special physical fitness of junior athletes (13-15 years old) and pre-junior athletes (10-12 years old).
The main goal of performing various complexes of special-motor training is the integrative development of basic physical qualities in unity with subject training.
Keywords: physical training, rhythmic gymnastics, physical qualities of athletes, 10-12 year old athletes, exercises with accessories.
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