Speed-strength training model for physical fitness of female university population



PhD, Associate Professor G.M. Perova1
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Nechaev1
1Moscow State University of Humanities and Social Studies, Kolomna, Moscow Region

In the present period of time, the problem of the qualitative formation of the exhibitor of the physical fitness of the young generation of our state seems urgent. In recent years, the fact of degradation of the physical fitness of high school students has been ascertained. A significant lag in this topic of the problem is the level of development of speed-strength preparedness of youth. This negative trend leads to the disruption of many motor actions necessary for the formation of everyday and professional skills of students of higher education. To rationally support the process of mental and physical performance, students need to learn how to dose muscle tension in time and space, and this is impossible without modernizing the process of speed-strength training. This article constitutes the results of an experiment, the purpose of which was to identify the optimal means of physical education to increase the level of physical fitness of students in higher education. The study involved 58 female first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of State University of Humanities and Social Studies. Speed-strength exercises were introduced in the practice of the Physical Education training session  of the experimental group,. Comparison of test results at the end of the school year revealed a positive dynamics in performance among students of the experimental group.

Keywords: training, motor qualities, female students.


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