Integrated mental and physical training method for GTO complex tests for female students of technical university
Postgraduate student O.V. Bulgakova
Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
Currently, scientists, teachers and practitioners are actively searching and developing more productive and universal physical education and sports forms, integrative technologies and means of activating and attracting the country's population to mass sports, increasing physical fitness, shaping sports culture, preparing young people for service in army, labor and social activities. This article discusses the issue of motivating students for GTO complex tests as an important socio-pedagogical task, the solution of which will significantly increase the level of physical fitness, activate patriotic education, and also strengthen the general state of youth health at the university.
The developed experimental technique makes it possible to prepare students psychologically and physically for the GTO complex tests at the university. The methodology includes modern complex exercises from fitness technologies and applied exercises from the GTO complex, which allows motivating students to perform the applied complex.
Keywords: female university students, GTO complex, integrative methodology, training.
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