Optimal test algorithm to help identify most promising sport discipline
A.V. Nazarov1
D.V. Lezov1
V.V. Danilov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Guba2
1 'BECOME A CHAMPION' autonomous non-profit organization, Moscow
2Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow
The problem of assessing the capabilities and abilities of an individual and his predisposition to various sports is considered in the paper. As an informative system for determining a child for a chosen sport, tests are considered, with the help of which an effective determination of the psychophysiological and functional capabilities of the body, as well as anthropological and sports parameters of the body is provided.The study was conducted in 2018/2019 on the basis of the "BECOME A CHAMPION" Autonomous non-profit sports and fitness organization. In the process of comprehensive research, as of September 1, 2019, 12,922 children aged 6 to 12 years were tested in 8 subjects of the Russian Federation (Kaliningrad Region, Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region, Moscow Region, St. Petersburg, Samara region, Omsk region and Primorsky Territory). The career guidance of children in sports was determined during testing by determining the psychophysiological and functional capabilities of the body, as well as anthropological and sports research. The final stage of the comprehensive testing was the formulation of the conclusion - a recommendation on the choice of sports.
Based on the study, the authors conclude that due to innate morphofunctional qualities, physical activity of a person is possible, however, success in the training and competitive process is characterized not only by the athlete's genetic potential. Often less talented and talented athletes, but methodically and systematically striving for excellence thanks to the competent work of the coaching staff, take places on the podium higher than more capable rivals.
Keywords: individual, selected sport, optimization of testing process, testing algorithm, integrated control.
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