Junior femle ice hockey players' social and psychological needs within their motivational domains




Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2018, pp.6-8

N.G. Gaifullina1
O.A. Makarova1
PhD, Associate Professor G.M. Ljdokova1
1Yelabuga Institute of Kazan Federal University, Yelabuga

Objective of the study was to analyze motivational agendas of junior (7-10 year-old) female ice hockey players (n=20) with the influences and contributions of their family members (n=20). The players’ social and psychological needs were studied within their motivational domains using the relevant questioning survey and test methods. Motivational domains of this age group are often determined nowadays by a variety of external influences. The players’ families more often than not appreciate the growing gravity and popularity of the modern ice hockey in the first place and consider the actual needs and expectations of their children in the second place. In the hierarchy of the family expectations, the daughters are generally viewed as the highly ambitious personalities reputable in the peer subcultures and respected by adults. The questioning survey data and analysis showed the female players being well socially adapted to both the school and ice hockey team environments. They report feeling comfortable in their classes, often praised by the class teachers, pleased by the team spirit in their ice hockey teams and competitive successes and having good support from the coaches. In their peer contacts, the female ice hockey players prefer playing with the same-sex children and tested to psychologically progress within the female type. The study found certain matches of a variety of social and psychological needs in the children and their families including the last for success; need for approval from the respected adults and peers; and the need in their uniqueness being recognized. Therefore, the study data were found to run counter to our prior assumption that the junior female ice hockey players might be in need of their ‘maleness’ being offset by the relevant social and psychological accommodation factors; face social problems in contacts with the same-sex peers and adults due to their higher demand for physical activity.

Keywords: women’s ice hockey, motivation, social and psychological needs, sport motivation.


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