Elite sports: mission, resource and progress survey and analysis


Dr.Sc.Phil., Associate Professor V.A. Baranov1
Dr.Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva1
1Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPE), Moscow

Keywords: sports, values and priorities, social problems, doping, sports theory.

Background. Modern elite sports are not immune to many social problems as they go through the turbulent period that may potentially result in their imminent crisis and decline in the near future – unless the global sport community takes persistent and well-coordinated efforts to prevent their deterioration trends in the new century and settle the growing conflicts. A special role in these efforts should undoubtedly be played by the sports science on the whole and multidisciplinary studies in particular to comprehensively explore the problematic issues and find the best ways out of the mounting crisis.

Objective of the study was to highlight the key social problems faced by the modern elite sports in the context of the global social trends with their contradictions and conflicts.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to analyze the key negative factors of influence on the modern elite sports on the whole and their socio-cultural mission in particular using the following research methods: discourse analysis; analysis of the reference documents; verification analysis; interviews and a questionnaire survey. We sampled for the interviews reputed physical education and sports experts (n=50) with 10-plus-year practical experiences; and the 1-year SCOLIPE master students (n=58) majoring in the Elite Sports and Training Systems discipline under the academic Sports curricula.

Results and discussion. The study data were grouped into the following categories: “Sports in modern social perceptions"; "Young people’s attitudes to the youth Olympic movement", and "Actual social problems of the elite sports ".

Sports in modern social perceptions

Sports have long been ranked among the key factors of influence on the national positioning, assertion and recognition in world community although this mission is lately being questioned and revised. It should be above all underlined that that the Russian population enthusiastically supports the national athletes competing in the top-ranking international events to demonstrate thereby its high patriotism. Attempts to ban the national team from competitions in the 2018 Olympics in Pyeongchang were perceived by many with concern albeit most still believed that the Games should not be boycotted. As reported by Levada Center, most of the respondents wanted the team to compete (71%), and only 20% expected the Olympic Games being boycotted [6]. This position of the national majority appears constructive enough as the people appear to appreciate the genuine mission and meaning of the Olympic Games ideally considered free of any political agenda; to give athletes an opportunity to prove themselves on sports arenas in fair competitions and encourage constructive and peaceful dialogue and cooperation of nations and continents. Many people live a fairly pragmatic life, with their well-being dependent rather on the domestic policies and practices than successes on the global sports arenas, with a special priority given to economic progress, prosperity and efforts to level down social stratification [5].

Despite the generally enthusiastic attitudes to the national successes in the major events, people’s opinions on elite sports and their health effects are more cautious if not negative. Opinion that ‘professional sports destroy health’ was fully supported by 30% of the sample and supported with reservations by 39% [2]. These beliefs appear reasonable enough since the modern elite sports welcome only absolutely healthy people physically and mentally highly fit for enormous pressures on the verge of natural human abilities and resources. However, many families still support their children willing to become professional athletes, with 51% of the sample welcoming their elite sports careers and 38% opposing them. This support may be fueled by the widespread belief that elite sports are rather beneficial and promising in terms of incomes and global popularity, with 55% of the sample found to believe in high incomes in modern elite sports [4].

Youth attitudes to the youth Olympic movement

Any elite sports / Olympic sports analysis cannot ignore their social connections with the youth Olympic movement [1]. Our questionnaire survey offered the sample to share their ideas on how the Youth Olympic Games format may be improved. Most of the sample (85%) suggested the cultural and educational components of the Youth Olympic Games being expanded and advanced by the relevant sports and Olympic movement history programs with conferences, symposia, contests, Olympic quizzes, quests, etc.

Social problems of elite sports

Our study highlighted the following key social problems faced by modern elite sports.

Doping issues may not be limited by the doping code violations by some national teams with the relevant ethical considerations, since the progress of the global industry of illegal medicines cannot be ignored in this context. It is only natural that the traditional sporting ethical norms and principles are increasingly ranked secondary to the doping-propelled competitive accomplishments, wins, financial profits and other benefits.

Therapeutic exclusivity issues are the cases when some athletes are allowed taking performance enhancement medications on doctor prescriptions whilst the others are stained by arbitrary doping charges when take them. The sports community increasingly reports these cases. There is still a question whether or not the therapeutic exclusivity issues are really significant, and what are their actual contributions to the competitive accomplishments?

Global political situations are often difficult and controversial enough to notably hamper progresses in elite sports. Some countries strive to be as exclusive and dominant in sports as they are in politics and economics. With the ongoing globalization in many fields and regions, modern sports are increasingly viewed as footholds or experimental grounds to test new enforcement or soft-power technologies to force the opposing nations accept the policies and ideologies viewed as the only possible and productive by the leading ‘exclusive’ nations.

Transgender issues of the modern sports are due to the transgender people’s invasion in youth sports. In the US, for example, families of junior female competitors require their transgender peers being banned from events and sports on the whole for the transgender rivalry, as they believe, deprives their children, and natural athletes on the whole, of a chance to win [3]. It has become quite common for male athletes to change their gender to qualify for women's competitions. These efforts, unless they are stopped, may cause the traditional women’s sports to stall if not break down with time.

Experts have mentioned some other social problems of modern elite sports including the technical and genetic doping issues; natural limitations of human bodily abilities; fast professionalization of the global elite sports; IOC and WADA influences (that may encourage unity or fuel conflicts); Internet technologies; social networks in sports, etc.

Conclusion. Modern elite sports may be ranked among the key social progress phenomena as they are increasingly attractive for many people the world over. However, their progress is riddled with multiple and growing negative trends and problems that may undermine their global popularity with time. It may be stated with confidence that modern elite sports tend to divert from their socio-cultural mission to evolve into a global business product with the bets and national accomplishments determined rather by pressures from influential global political powers than the traditional fair-play and let-the-best-win principles.


  1. Lubysheva L.I., Ivanov D.I. Sociological analysis of new format of Youth Olympic Games. Fizicheskaya kultura: vospitanie, obrazovanie, trenirovka. 2020. No. 2. pp.20-22.
  2. Doping in sports. [Electronic resource] Levada Center. Analytical Center of Yuri Levada. Available at: https://www.levada.ru/2016/07/06/doping-v-sporte/( date of access: 28.02.2019).
  3. All women's sports In the United States including Olympic one, is under threat of destruction. [Electronic resource]: News. February 20, 2020, 21:41. Available at: https://www.1tv.ru/news/2020-02-20/380852-v_ssha_pod_ugrozoy_unichtozhen... (date of access: 14.10.2020).
  4. Profession of athlete. [Electronic resource]: FOM. Health and sports. August 31, 2016. Available at: https://fom.ru/Zdorove-i-sport/12835 (date of access: 20.03. 2018).
  5. Development of professional sports. [Electronic resource]: FOM. Health and sports. August 24 2016. Available at: https://fom.ru/Zdorove-i-sport/12817(date of access: 24.03.2018).
  6. Athletes’ decision has been supported by the Russians. [Electronic resource]: Levada Center. Analytical Center of Yuri Levada. 25.01.2018 Available at: https://www.levada.ru/2018/01/25/reshenie-sportsmenov-nashlo-podderzhku-u-rossiyan/ (date of access: 29.05.2018).

Russian athletes won’t be able to compete under the country's flag until December 16, 2022. [Electronic resource]: Kommersant. news. 17.12.2020, 17:37. Available at: (https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/4617218?utm_source=yxsport&utm_medium=desk...(date of access: 17.12.2020).

Corresponding author: v.bar57@mail.ru


Objective of the study was to highlight the key social problems faced by the modern elite sports in the context of the global social trends with their contradictions and conflicts.

Methods and structure of the study. The study was designed to analyze the key negative factors of influence on the modern elite sports on the whole and their socio-cultural mission in particular using the following research methods: discourse analysis; analysis of the reference study reports; verification analyses; interviews and a questionnaire survey. We sampled for the interviews reputed physical education and sports experts (n=50) with 10-plus-year practical experiences; and the 1-year Russian State University of Physical Education, Sports, Youth and Tourism master students (n=58) majoring in the Elite Sports and Training Systems discipline under the academic Sports curricula.

Results and discussion. Modern elite sports may be ranked among the key social progress phenomena as they are increasingly attractive for many people the world over. Their progress, however, is riddled with multiple and growing negative trends and problems that may undermine their global popularity and entertainment aspects with time. It may be stated with confidence that the modern elite sports tend to divert from their socio-cultural mission to evolve into a global business product with the bets and national accomplishments determined rather by pressures from influential global political powers than the traditional fair-play and let-the-best-win principles. Their social problems are rather mounting than being addressed and solved. It should be mentioned that the modern sports are totally different from those in the late XIX and early XX century in the essential contents, social functions, competitiveness, newly emerged gender issues, mounting pressures from influential political powers and many other serious aspects.