Physical education and health service safety standards in education system


PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Akimova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.E. Lutovina1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Chikeneva1
1Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Orenburg

The study analyzes the valid legal and regulatory provisions for the physical education and health service safety standards in the national education system; underlines the key risks for the service safety in connection with the teachers’ qualifications and vocational motivations for due compliance of the valid physical education and health service standards. The physical education and health service quality is ranked high on the list of priorities of the national education policies as required by the legislative and regulatory framework for the national education service.
It is emphasized that the physical education teacher is central for success of the physical education and health service in the national education system, as he/she shall have good knowledge, skills and motivations for the quality service with a special priority to the students’ health and safety for success of the physical, spiritual and social excellence components of the education curriculum.

Keywords: risk, physical education and health service, safety, physical education, teacher.


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