Quest technologies for corrective inclusive physical education service
PhD, Professor V.A. Vishnevsky1
Master student I.A. Ukhvatova1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Malkov1
1Surgut State University, Surgut
The article analyzes benefits of a corrective inclusive physical education service model for the children with mental retardations that offers round trainings including sport labyrinths and quest technologies. The trainees’ physical and intellectual progress was rated by a special real-time software tool. Immediate responses of the trainees to the new training model were associated with: growths of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system activity; growths of the stress indices and heart rates; faster motor responses; sagging reactive anxiety rates; and the improved wellbeing rates. The tests also showed reduction of the total neurohumoral regulation level; energy-metabolic and humoral heart rate regulation channels; increased response range in the Response to Movement test; and the lower activity in the WAM test; with the responses being within the ranges of the trainees’ adaptation resources. The new corrective inclusive physical education service model was found beneficial as verified by the intellectual progress of the trainees in awareness, intuitive thinking, logical thinking, categorizing, abstract thinking, image synthesizing and the fast memorizing domains.
Keywords: quest technologies, physical education lessons, intellectual performance domains, children with mental retardations.
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