Static/dynamic balancing skills in skilled women’s floorball players in post-competitive period
Dr.Med., Professor A.B. Gudkov1, 2
Postgraduate student A.A. Dolgoborodova2
PhD A.V. Demin2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Bykov2
1Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk
2Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk
Objective of the study was to rate the static/dynamic (postural control) balancing skills in skilled women’s floorball players in a post-competitive period. Randomly sampled for the study were the Arkhangelsk Oblast picked team members (n=17) aged 25.1±5.6 years on average, free of serious injuries in the study period. The postural control skills (PCS) of the sample were tested by Balance Master postural control (stabilograph) test system using the following tests: Modified Clinical Test of Sensory Interaction on Balance (MC); Unilateral Stance (US); Sit to stand (ST); Walk Across (WA); Tandem Walk (TW); Step/Quick Turn (SQT); and Forward Lunge (FL) tests. The test data and analyses were used to put together recommendations on how the competitive performance and adaptation may be improved by new exercises to facilitate progress in the sport-specific physical, biomechanical and mental qualities and skills.
Keywords: qualified formality reached the quarter, sport training, exercise, posturale-motor control.
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