Sports progress statistics analysis for Russia
PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Kudinova1, 2
Dr.Hab., Professor V.Yu. Karpov3
1Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd
2Volgograd State Academy of Physical Education, Volgograd
3Russian State Social University, Moscow
The study was designed to analyze the Russian sports progress statistics for the period of 2011-16 to find: the range of sport disciplines in progress; efficiency and effectiveness of the sports development policies and practices; skills- and sport-specific athletic progress profiles; and the trainees per trainer service numbers. A comparative analysis of the sport qualifications to trainees ratios (for 2016) showed that the actual qualifications for Class I-III matched with the qualification forecasts only in swimming sport. The authors offer a set of management solutions to bridge the gaps in different sport discipline progress rates and make the qualification forecasts more accurate to match with the actual qualification statistics. The study data and analysis give the means to ensure a fair matching of the qualification forecasts with the actual qualification statistics; facilitate progress in different sport disciplines; and cut down the training process costs and improve its efficiency.
Keywords: analysis, sport discipline, efficiency, progress, sport qualification, coaches.
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