Active and interactive education model to facilitate academic physical education and sport theory studies
PhD, Associate Professor M.G. Nepochatykh1
PhD, Associate Professor I.D. Pososhkov1
PhD, Associate Professor A.Yu. Lipovka2
V.A. Bogdanova1
1St. Petersburg State University of Economics, St. Petersburg
2St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter the Great, St. Petersburg
The study analyzes benefits of the modern non-imitational active/ interactive education model for the competence building in the academic physical education and sport theory studies. Sampled for the active/ interactive education model testing experiment were the 2-3-year St. Petersburg State University of Economics students (n=427). The methods included problem-addressing lectures, practical trainings, active learning workshops, presentations, theoretical and practical conferences, discussions, round table sessions, express surveys, brain storms, master classes etc. The standard elective physical education and sport theory study course at St. Petersburg State University of Economics takes 18 hours. Despite the discipline being elective, the academic progress is rated by a formal test system. The authors offered a set of creative tasks (didactic game practices) ratable by the point system. The active/ interactive education model with innovative education tools was found beneficial due to its practical focus and high education quality securing tools complementing the standard physical education and sport curricula. A special priority in the model implementation projects is recommended to be given to the general cultural and vocational competences, conditional on the faculty service being compliant with the modern requirements and standards to the teaching professiona.
Keywords: active and interactive education methods, physical education, students, vocational training, education technologies.
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