University students’ respiratory system functionality tests and analysis


PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Boldov1
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Eremin2
PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Gusev1
PhD, Associate Professor D.M. Pravdov3
1Moscow State University of Psychology and Education, Moscow
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Shuya branch of Ivanovo State University, Shuya

Success of the academic educational service largely depends on the overall endurance and health including the respiratory system functionality. The study was designed to make a comparative analysis of the respiratory system functionality test rates in psychology students versus the median statistic values for the age group. Sampled for the tests were 18-21 year old psychology students. The respiratory system functionality and overall endurance was tested low and gender-unspecific. The study has not found any significant differences in the gender subgroups in the quiescent-state breathing test rates (cycles/ min) indicative of physical fitness. The Tiffeneau (bronchial tree development and throughput capacity rating) test of the male subgroups generated negative-to-threshold test rates with a minor improvement trend.

Keywords: students, functionality, respiratory system, vital capacity, Tiffeneau test, breathing rate.


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