Anti-doping provisions viewed as an integral part of athletic labor safety system in Russia
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019
Dr. of Law, Professor M.O. Buyanova
National Research University «Higher School of Economics», Moscow
Objective of the study was to analyze the valid labor code in application to the national sport community and demonstrate that the labor code provisions fully agree with the anti-doping provisions that may be considered an integral part of the athletic labor safety system. The authors applied a range of common and specific research tools (including the dialectical, formal-logic and law application ones) to analyze the valid national athletic labor codes and labor safety provisions – and demonstrate that every doping (i.e. administration of prohibited agents and procedures) case shall be interpreted as the labor code violation. It is acknowledged that the relevant Russian agencies have made progress in the doping control initiatives including the ones to step up the athlete’s responsibility in doping cases – albeit the national legislation is still in need of a special doping control law like the German one. We believe that the Russian law-makers should explore and draw on the German experience to tighten the criminal, administrative and corporate responsibility in doping cases.
Keywords: doping, sports, anti-doping code violations, responsibility, doping test, labor safety, athletes, sport federations, prohibited agents, doping test.
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