Future teacher’s health values and motivations building physical education model
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №3 2019
Dr.Med., Professor T.V. Karaseva1
PhD O.V. Turbachkina1
PhD, Associate Professor A.M. Loshchakov2
1Ivanovo State University, Ivanovo
2Ivanovo State Medical Academy, Ivanovo
Academic physical education is intended not only to ensure the vital motor skills building, but also to train a polite, educated, physically and intellectually developed, socially active person. The motivation for physical training is an important and absolutely necessary condition for the formation of a future teacher's health culture by means of physical education. In the present study the authors analyzed benefits of a new health-centered physical education model geared to effectively develop health values and motivations in the future education specialists. The model includes theoretical, practical, methodological and progress test components making an emphasis on the health protection and improvement aspects by reasonable revisions of the traditional axiological and theoretical education elements. Due priority in the model design is given to the motivations building aspects since they are indispensable for any health agenda and culture. The students’ health values and motivations were self-rated by a Future Teacher Health Culture test. Sampled for the model testing experiment were the Shuya Branch students of Ivanovo State University (n=190) split up into Experimental (EG) and Reference (RG) Groups. The study data and analyzes showed benefits of the new health-centered physical education as verified by the sample progress in the health values and motivations test rates.
Keywords: health values and motivations, health culture, physical education.
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