Effects of l-tyrosine amino acid on competitive performance of 17-19 years old academic table tennis players
Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury №2 2019
Associate Professor, PhD L.A. Romanova1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.V. Yeganov1
Associate Professor, PhD S.A. Nikiforova1
A.S. Aminova1
1South Ural State University (National Research University), Chelyabinsk
The study analyzes the fat mass distribution in bodily segments of 17-20 year old female students trained in fitness groups. The subsamples with low and high total fat mass indices were found to differ in the fat mass accumulation patterns in the following bodily segments: total fat mass; right leg mass; right leg fat mass; lean right leg mass; muscular tissue mass; fat mass percentage in right arm; lean right arm mass; trunk muscular mass; trunk fat mass; trunk muscular tissue mass; total body mass; and the quiescent-state basal metabolism/ energy rate. High total fat mass was found associated with the relatively slow basal metabolism rates indicative of the energy savings for the key vital functions.
Keywords: fitness, female students, bioelectrical impedance, basal metabolism, adipose tissue, muscular component of the body.
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