Combined effects of neck muscle trainings and central nervous system electric tranquilizing tools on static-kinetic balancing skills of fast-moving system operators


Dr.Biol., Professor A.V. Lysenko1
PhD, Associate Professor Т.А. Stepanova1
Dr.Med., Professor L.G. Buynov2
PhD, Associate Professor L.A. Sorokina2
1Academy of Physical Culture and Sport of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
2Department of medical-valeological disciplines of Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg

Keywords: job-specific working capacity, physical loads, equilibrium sense, central nervous system electric tranquillization.

One of the key prerequisites for the effective use of ever-improving fast-moving vehicles of today (civil and military vehicles, as well as certain gymnastic apparatuses) is the high level of development of static-kinetic balancing skills in the person at the wheel.

To reduce the degree of the negative impact of excessive and/ or long-term oscillating accelerations on attention, memory, spatial orientation processes, emotional reactions, conditioned reflex activity, bioelectrical activity of the cerebral cortex, time of execution of certain elements of operator tasks, number of errors, etc., we used a variety of methods not effective enough to meet the needs for improving job-specific working capacity in sports and many other sectors of national economy [2, 5, 7], which in the end adversely affects the safety of displacement and promotes premature ageing [1, 3, 6].

Objective of the study was to develop the methods of improvement of static-kinetic balancing skills in the fast-moving system operators through physical loads combined with central nervous system electric tranquillization (CNSET).

Methods and structure of the study. The study was completed at an aviation school and timed to the scheduled medical examination of the entrants. Sampled for the study were the 17-18 year-old apparently healthy males, with the uninterrupted Coriolis effect accumulation (UCEA) tolerance test rates of less than 2min.

Prior to the experiment, all participants were made aware of the ongoing research plan, employed techniques and research protocol. All subjects gave their voluntary written informed consent to participate in the experiment. After that, the Experimental Group was subject to special neck training practices (hereinafter - NTP) and central nervous system electric tranquillization (hereinafter - CNSET) practices, lasting 2 weeks each. The Reference Group was subject to placebo CNSET sessions only, without NTP. Both of the groups were tested straight after and 1, 2 and 3 months after the combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle.

During the experiment, we carried out the uninterrupted Coriolis effect accumulation tolerance test (performed according to the standard technique in an electric rotating Barany chair); the degree of manifestation of the sensory, vegetative and somatic components of the static-kinetic response was determined using the earlier developed point system: 0 – no sensations; 1 – mild sensation; 2 - strong sensation [4].

The neck muscle training technique included two exercises performed in the supine position: the testee was to lie on a gymnastic bench with his head overhanging (the earphone-headset, weighted 500.0 g, hinders the activity of the muscles that adduct the head to the chest); a rubber band fixed on the nape on the one side, and 0.8 m above the bench level on the other side, hinders the activity of the neck extensor muscles. During both exercises, the testee was to evenly tilt his head up and down, making one movement in 2.0 sec, the tilt angle was 30.0°, each exercise lasted 5.0 min, with a 5.0 min break.

The CNSET was performed using the standard "LENAR" device. Paired electrodes were fixed on the subject's head: a split cathode - on the forehead; a split anode - on the base of the mastoid bones. The subject was on a couch in the supine position. The level of the additional constant component was set before the onset of slight tingling under the electrodes, after 15.0-20.0 min, the set level was smoothly eliminated. The "variable pulse ratio" button was pressed. Frequency - 200.0-300.0 Hz, duration - 0.2 ms. The "voltage" handle was used to increase the voltage until the onset of tingling under the electrodes. The CNSET session lasted 45.0 min.

Immediately after the UCEA tolerance test, a static stabilometric test of complex functional computer posturography (hereinafter - CFCP) was performed using the "ST-02" posturography, consisting of two tests: Test 1 was performed with the eyes open, the subject was focused on a remote object (5.0 m); Test 2 was performed with the eyes closed. Each test lasted 20.0 sec, with a 1.0 min break. During the break, the subject retained his position without changing the position of his feet. The following parameters were registered: average increase in the length and area of ​statokinesiogram; the amplitude of oscillations (hereinafter - AO) and asymmetry coefficient (hereinafter - AC) of the common center of mass projection (hereinafter - CCMP) in the sagittal and frontal planes and directions.

Results and discussion. The two-week combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle contributed to the improvement of the UCEA tolerance in the Experimental Group (Table 1) against the reduction in the degree of unpleasant sensations (hot flash, heavy headedness, dizziness, stomach discomfort, hypersalivation and hyperhidrosis) by 53-65%.


Table 1. The indicators of the functional status of the subjects before and after the two-week combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle (significance of differences: * - p<0.05 versus baseline, (X±δ))


Test indicators

Experimental Group

Reference Group






UCEA tolerance test rate (sec)






Hot flash (points)






Heavy headedness (points)






Dizziness (points)






Stomach discomfort (points)






Intensity of hypersalivation (points)






Intensity of hyperhidrosis (points)






Intensity of defensive actions according to the degree of declination from the vertical axis  (points)






Nystamus duration (sec)






Number of subjects






In addition, the degree of intensity of defensive actions decreased by 57.1% and the duration of postrotational nystagmus - by 34.1%. The data obtained are also consistent with the positive dynamics of indices obtained during the CFCP:

in the test with the eyes open, there was a statistically significant decrease in the length (from 40.3±3.3 to 21.4±2.6 *) and area (from 71.9±5.1 to 38.1±3.8 *) of statokinesiogram, AO of the CCM in the frontal (from 6.2±0.6 to 4.3±0.5 *) and sagittal (from 6.7±0.6 to 4.6±0.5 *) planes, AC in the frontal (from 7.1±0.7 to 4.9±0.5 *) and sagittal (from 7.5±0.7 to 5.2±0.5 *) directions;

in the test with the eyes closed, there was a statistically significant decrease in the length (from 65.1±5.0 to 34.5±3.9 *) and area (from 91.3±6.0 to 48.4±4.3 *) of statokinesiogram, AO of the CCM in the frontal (from 7.8±0.3 to 5.4±0.7 *) and sagittal (from 8.3±0.7 to 5.7±0.7 *) planes, AC in the frontal al (from 8.6±0.8 to 5.9±0.8 *) and sagittal (from 8.8±0.8 to 6.0±0.2 *) directions.

The highest UCEA tolerance rate in the Experimental Group subjects was observed immediately after the combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle and remained at such a high level after 30 days - 201.3±9.6 sec (see the figure). After 2 months, the UCEA tolerance rate decreased to 154.6±8.7 sec, and after 3 months it almost returned to the baseline value.


The UCEA tolerance rate in the Experimental Group subjects before and after the experiment, and 1, 2 and 3 months after the combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle (in seconds) Significance of differences: * - p<0.05 versus the baseline.


In our earlier studies we have shown that the improvement of the static-kinetic balancing skills under the influence of NTP is based on the changes in the sensitivity threshold of the vestibular, visual, interoceptive, cutaneous-mechanical and proprioceptive analyzers, which contributes to the improvement of the equilibrium function while maintaining physical and mental working capacity at a high level [ 2, 5].

Conclusion. The combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle was found to have an antinaupathic effect owing to the combination of three drugs (Metaprot, Potassium Orotate, Aerovit) and was proved to have a 2 times more effective and long-term impact compared to the previously used  combination of Cortexin and regular physical activity lasting 10 days.



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The study analyzes benefits of the combined effects of the neck muscle trainings and central nervous system electric tranquillization (CNSET) tools on the equilibrium sense of the fast-moving system operators. The study was completed at an aviation school and timed to the scheduled medical examination of the entrants. Sampled for the study were the 17-18 year-old individuals, with the uninterrupted Coriolis effect accumulation tolerance test rates of less than 2min. The Experimental Group (EG) was subject to special neck training practices (NTP) and central nervous system electric tranquillization (CNSET) practices. The Reference Group was subject to placebo CNSET sessions only, without NTP. Both of the groups were tested straight after and 1, 2 and 3 months after the CNSET and NTP cycles.

The study data and analyses showed benefits of the combined CNSET/ NTP training cycle as verified by the prolonged and high positive effects versus the previously tested training model intended to improve the equilibrium sense of the fast-moving system operators.