Game performance basics mastering training for beginners


Associate Professor, PhD N.V. Lutkova1
Dr.Hab., Professor Y.M. Makarov1
Associate Professor, PhD A.A. Ramzaytsev1
E.I. Mokina1
Dr.Hab., Professor A.A. Zaitsev2
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
2Kaliningrad State Technical University, Kaliningrad

In modern conditions of development of elte sports, the factor of sports reserve training quality is of great importance.
Objective of the present study was to develop a game performance basics mastering training algorithm for beginners to help them acquire the primary technical/ tactical skills for success in the long-term training process. The study was designed as a part of the three-year practical coach training program in team sports, with a special emphasis on the situational response trainings.
The study data and analyses show that the traditional beginner training systems in team sports still fail to develop the primary technical toolkit required for progress, and the backlog in the progress largely hampers the beginner adaptation to the real game. The newly developed beginner training algorithm gives a special priority to the special staged goals in the long-term training process. The focused game performance basics mastering trainings for beginners with a special emphasis on game practices were found beneficial for the individual creativity and game style building, technical progress, game toolkits, tactics and the teamwork for competitive success. The study findings are recommended for application in the youth training systems in team sports.

Keywords: primary skills, game performance basics, long-term training process, team sports.


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