Meanings and definitions for rehabilitation/ abilitation service in adaptive physical education of children with health limitations
Dr.Hab., Professor N.A. Fomina1
Dr.Hab., Associate Professor S.Yu. Maksimova1
PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Fedotova1
PhD I.S. Tamozhnikova1
1Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Volgograd
The study analyzes the notions, meanings and definitions for the rehabilitation/ habilitation service to handicapped children, with a special attention to the key elements of the rehabilitation service to the underage individuals with disabilities; and benefits of the adaptive physical education methods for the group health correction initiatives. It was found that presently the terms and definitions for the rehabilitation technologies are rather inconsistent, with the research and analyses still focused on the notion and meanings of rehabilitation rather than habilitation. The situation is further complicated by the shortage of dependable theoretical and practical data on the disabled children’s adaptation-focused combined individualized physical education methods. We believe that a special priority shall be given to the cost-efficient and physically feasible range of modern rehabilitation/ habilitation service in the adaptive physical education of children with disabilities.
Keywords: children with disabilities, habilitation, rehabilitation, system of medical and educational activities.
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