Priority inclusive practices to improve paralympians’ self-regulation abilities


Dr.Sc.Psych., Professor A.A. Baranov1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.P. Ovechkin1
PhD, Associate Professor A.S. Suntsova1
1Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the present study was to rate benefits of the new mental training and inclusive practices to improve the Paralympians’ self-regulation abilities. The elite Paralympians with musculoskeletal system impairments qualified for the Russian national skiing and biathlon teams were sampled for the study purposes. The training model piloting experiment was designed to offer a combined mental training (autogenic trainings, suggested relaxation, mental conditioning plus visual-auditory stimulations) and inclusive practices with meetings of the Paralympians, university students and schoolchildren. The sample was tested by computerized Bio-Well Test System to rate the energy resource and stress levels; and MINDSKIN Test System to rate the mental/ emotional stress levels by galvanic skin response tests. The study data and analyses showed benefits of the new mindset training and inclusive practices as verified by the group progress in self-regulation of the mental and physical status; shooting accuracy in biathlon subgroup; and the growing appreciation of the inclusive practices by the group recognizing their socializing, motivational and mental self-conditioning effects for the athletes with health impairments. We recommend the inclusive practices as a promising resource for the Paralympic sports facilitation purposes in need of further research.

Keywords: self-regulation, Paralympic sports, inclusive practices.


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