Psycho-physiological predictors for success of education trajectories of junior ice hockey players
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor N.A. Belousova1
Dr.Hab., Professor V.I. Sivakov1
Associate Professor V.P. Maltsev1
1South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University, Chelyabinsk
Modern educational systems offer a wide range of customizable educational trajectories with variable mental and physical workloads. For success of the education process modeling, the system should factor in the central nervous system (CNS) functionality and the relevant cognitive capacity. We rated the CNS functionality in the sample of the 15-16 year-old pupils of general education school versus junior ice hockey players at the advanced training stage. The relevant psycho-physiological test tools were used to obtain the integrated CNS functionality rates including the nervous process stability rates, sensorimotor response rates and indices of cerebral homeostasis. The test data and analyses showed the subsample of junior ice hockey players’ functionality indices being different from that of the non-sporting peer subsample as verified by the meaningful advantage in the visual-motor response rates and relatively perfect nervous process control/ inhibition mechanisms. The training process was found to be of positive effect on the psychomotor processes in junior athletes due to the fast cerebral data processing capacity and efficient decision-making in response to signals, conditional on the optimal CNS functionality. The better adaptability of the athletes’ CNS and its contribution to the performance control was found to facilitate the motor skills mastering process.
Keywords: CNS functionality, psycho-physiological predictors, sensorimotor integration, junior ice hockey players.
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