Benefits of new ‘whirlpool’ training system for brain electrical activity and cognitive functions of adult males


Postgraduate E.A. Kochkin-Shtol1
Dr.Med., Professor A.E. Batueva1
Dr.Biol., Associate Professor V.V. Erlikh1
1South Ural State University, Chelyabinsk

The study overviews and analyzes benefits of a new ‘Whirlpool’ training system of the authors’ design for the brain electrical activity and cognitive functions of adult males. The training system offers a combination of the isokinetic and speed-strength exercises using a dynamic suspension gear for stress mitigation. Sampled for the study purposes were healthy unsporting males aged 38±4.5 years on average. The sample was trained 8 months twice a week as required by the new ‘Whirlpool’ training system. The training system was found beneficial as verified by the growth of the g-frequency rhythm amplitudes and indices in the brain activity profiles, and amplitudes of the a- and b-frequencies; and the significant growth of the working capacity rates, nervous system functionality rates and the short-term memorizing capacity rates. It is important that the growth of the nervous system functionality rates is associated with a significant growth of the brain electrical activity amplitudes in the g- and b-frequency bands.

Keywords: electroencephalography, tapping test, short-term memory test, dynamic suspension gear, mature-age males.


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