Heart rate and salivary electrolyte concentration in 10-12 year-old judokas
Dr.Biol., Professor A.A. Pseunok1
PhD M.A. Mugotlev1
PhD, Associate Professor M.N. Silantyev1
1Adyghe State University, Maikop
Objective of the study was to obtain and analyze the longitudinal test data on the resting versus post-exercise heart rate and salivary electrolyte concentration in the 10-12 year-old judokas (n=81), with application of the R.M. Bayevsky heart rate analyzing mathematical toolkit; and photocalorimeter KFK-3 to rate contents of K+ and Na+ ions in saliva. The trainings were found to shift the autonomic balance towards the parasympathetic nervous system, with the central regulation mechanism operations being intensified to effectively deplete the functionality reserves by the second year of trainings. The study data and analyses show the need for the theoretically grounded preventive and health protection provisions to stabilize the children’s functionality in the training process.
Keywords: adaptation, heart rate, ontogenesis, motor activity, salivary electrolytes.
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