Resources to engage students in physical education and health activity and their mobilization options


PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Tarabarina1
Associate Professor V.V. Kononets1
1Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev, Nizhny Novgorod

The valid academic physical education curricula are generally designed to secure physical-cultural progress of the trainees both in the personality development and professional domains to motivate them for habitual physical education and health activity. Success of these efforts is measurable by the students’ progress in health agendas, healthy lifestyles and their physical development and fitness rates, with the academic physical education and health service viewed as the main driver for the progress. The progress, however, is often limited by the poor awareness of the health benefits of habitual physical trainings; poor if any motivations for the academic physical education; underdeveloped self-control qualities and skills; and too optimistic ratings of the own health; and, therefore, the students’ health agenda are rather wishful than practical. This is the reason why the academic physical education service shall give a growing priority to the new PE models, tools and methods to effectively encourage the students’ health-centered physical activity and progress, with due focus on the physical activation as the key factor for success of the physical education and health service.

Keywords: fitness, students, physical education and health activity, cultivation, components.


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