Benefits of scripted role-plays in physical education curricula for underage orphans


Dr.Hab., Associate Professor M.S. Leontieva1
PhD, Associate Professor E.D. Gryazeva1
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Arkhipova1
1Tula State University, Tula

The article overviews findings of the multiannual studies geared to improve the physical education models for preschool orphans. Based on the study findings, we offered and tested a few new physical education models for preschool orphans including: scripted role-plays with an emphasis on the entertaining aspect, such as finger games, elements of theatrical performances to feature the popular tales, verses, cartoons and movies; relay runs and active games; and thematic game events. Sampled for the study purposes were 78 orphans including 5-6 year-olds (n=22), 7-8 year-olds (n=28), 12-13 year-olds (n=21) and 15-16 year-olds (n=19) from the Municipal Kindergarten; Tula Preschool Orphanage; Our Family Orphanage in Alexin city, Tula Oblast; and Kireev Boarding School, Tula Oblast. The new physical education model piloting experiment included four stages taking one year on the whole. The staged physical education model with a special priority to the scripted role-plays was tested highly beneficial by the experiment and recommended for application in orphanages.

Keywords: orphans, physical education, motor activity, scripted role-plays, physical load.


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