E-testing: problems-focused design and application practice in physical education


PhD, Associate Professor O.B. Dmitriev
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk

Objective of the study was to develop and offer specific recommendations on how the Moodle E-Test system could be applied in the academic physical education curricula. The study was designed to analyze, among other things, the practical e-testing experience accumulated by the Physical Education and Sports Institute of the USU in the following academic disciplines: Information Science; Natural Scientific Basics of Physical Education; Biomechanics; and Sport Metrology. The questions, tests technologies and contents were developed using the problems-focused design method, with the Moodle E-Test system applied for the electronic progress/ final tests. The tests included combinations of classified questions, parallel facet questions, multimedia survey tools and open essays. The practical e-tests in the above disciplines showed a high validity and dependability of the test data. Practical recommendations based on the study data and analyses give the means to reduce errors in the e-test design for other academic disciplines and improve the academic progress tests on the whole and thereby the physical education quality in particular.

Keywords: e-testing, test questions, test mission, Moodle E-Test system, test design.


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