Gender-specific stress tolerance rating in university students majoring in sports


Dr.Hab., Professor V.D. Povzun1
PhD, Associate Professor V.V. Apokin1
1Surgut State University, Surgut

The study was designed to apply the Y.V. Sherbatykh Stress Tolerance Test to university students majoring in sports to profile their gender-specific stress tolerance rates versus the key personality, mental and psychosomatic qualities and academic education periods. The 2nd and 4th year SSU students (about 100) majoring in different sports and having different sport qualifications were sampled for the study. A questionnaire survey and tests produced widely varied gender-specific stress tolerance rates, with the picture somewhat complicated by the biased self-ratings of own stress tolerance by students versus different stressors. The study data and analysis demonstrate the need for an all-inclusive study of the students’ stress tolerance versus their motivations for education to offer new motivational models and tools with a special priority to the stress tolerance building aspect.

Keywords: stress tolerance, stress, gender specifics, academic education.


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