Commutative movements in volleyball technique: biomechanical aspect
Commutative movements in volleyball technique: biomechanical aspect
A.N. Kornilov, Ph.D., master of sport
Yu.V. Nechushkin, associate professor, world-class athlete, honored trainer of Russia
Moscow state technical university named after N.E. Bauman, Moscow
Key words: technical-tactical means, kinematics of commutative movements, speed extremum, motor mechanogram, formation of training exercises, special physical training
Biomechanics considers two types of movements associated with displacements - commutative and moving. commutative ones are the movements whereathlete's position in space in certain coordinate system related to axis changes with time: vertical (forexample forward dive), horizontal (forward-backward jump) and frontal (right-left). In volleyball such commutative movements are realized in preliminary phase of technical-tactical means, directed to athletes approaching the flying ball.
There were allocated 4 types of commutative movements associated with single and swift-flowing, static position is specific for initial and final states. Here it is advisable to use speed index for observation, estimation and regulation of motor characteristics in the training processes as an operand of description of the features of such movement while performing technical-tactical game means. Proceeding form theguidance literature analysis and authors' researches of volleyballers' activity in a game process specific models of commutative movements had been worked associated with the form of technical game means as a basis of formation of exercises of volleyballers' special physical training adequate to it.
Motor structure of commutative movements while performing volleyball technical-tactical means is heterogeneous. There were allocated 3 types of such movements.
Thus the process of formation of volleyballers' special physical training is to be provided by selection and use of training exercises in compliance with mechanographic motor models.
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