Characteristics of fitness in rhythmic gymnastics by CNS activity indices
Characteristics of fitness in rhythmic gymnastics by CNS activity indices
E.A. Kotova, postgraduate
E.E. Bindusov, professor, Ph.D.
I.S. Baskakov, general manager of NGO 'Neuroenergetics" ltd., Moscow
Moscow state academy of physical culture, Moscow
Key words: rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, level of constant potentials, tension index, rhythm vegetative index.
Rhythmic gymnastics is one of the most remarkable complex coordination sports. In many respects these are the splendid victories of Russian female rhythmic gymnasts that make it more popular year after year. Success of performance of female gymnasts in competitions is fully determined by their fitness - the state of athlete's readiness to achieve high sports results, acquired at certain conditions in every training macrocycle, expressing harmonious unity of all aspects of integral preparedness. Available literature lacks the information on the features of construction of training process for effective getting fit.
The purpose of the present paper was to reveal the differences in response to training loads in female gymnasts by indices of the level of constant potentials, tension index of regulatory systems and vegetative rhythm index, vegetative balance index in different periods.
The research methods included literature analysis, neuroenergy mapping, analysis of heart rate variability and methods of mathematical statistics.
The studies proved that fitness of female rhythmic gymnasts can be determined by the character of cerebral metabolism and indices of analysis of heart rate variability by R.M. Baevsky besides parameters of technical and physical preparedness. It is already possible to assume that transition to aerobic type of cerebral metabolism can serve an objective fitness index. If to modulate this index with tension index, vegetative rate and balance indices it is supposed possible to find an objective fitness index and then develop a style of construction of trainings for getting fit quickly and effectively.
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