Teachers’ habitual motor activity tests
PhD, Associate Professor V.E. Tsibulnikova
Moscow State Pedagogical University, Moscow
Objective of the study was to rate the habitual age-specific motor activity and classify the sample into the low, average and highly physically active groups. The motor activity under the study was rated versus the recommended age-specific motor activity standards by pedometer, with application of the Pedometer application to the mobile phones plus a few digital pedometer systems producing dependable and accurate data on the distance, pace, steps per min, calories and heart indices. Every teacher in the test sample was required to read the data and fix it in the personal Health Record every evening. The study data and analyses confirmed the need for the teachers’ and other intellectual laborers’ professional health and serviceability to be secured by the optimal habitual motor activity critical for body functionality, motor resource and experience and stamina.
Keywords: motor activity, functional types of motor activity, pedometry.
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