Conscription-age group physical fitness tests in Arctic zone of the Kola Peninsula
I.V. Bogdanov
Physical training department of the Northern Fleet, Severomorsk
The study analyzes the conscription-age group physical fitness test data for the Arctic zone of the Kola Peninsula versus the valid requirements of the Russian Armed Force Physical Fitness Training Regulation of 2009. 15-17 year-old (n= 522) residents of Severomorsk, Murmansk, Monchegorsk and Polyarny cities were sampled for the study purposes. Physical fitness of the sample was tested by the standard strength, endurance, speed, agility and flexibility tests as provided by the valid general school physical education curriculum for 10–11-grade students. The study data and analyses showed the local conscripts being fully unfit for the service in the national Armed Forces. To correct the situation, the authors offer recommendations on how the conscription-age group physical training system should be improved to secure young people’s fitness for military service.
Keywords: conscription-age youth, physical fitness level, Arctic zone of the Kola Peninsula .
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